Early Bird qualification - fees paid (or first payment of arranged payment plan received)
$140/child with a limit of $420.00 per family.
1 - $140
2 - $280
3 - $420
(Non-parishioner fees are doubled.)
1 - $165
2 - $330
3 - $495 (max.)
(Non-parishioner fees are doubled.)
Registrations will not be considered complete without receipt of payment or first payment of a signed payment plan. Payment Plan is arranged through the Business Office - [email protected] or 262.673.4831 x7404.
We are currently in need of a catechist for 4K. Registrations will still be taken at this time, however, 4K may be reconsidered this year if a volunteer is not found.
When registering your child in 4K please select Preschool from the drop down menu. Select Kindergarten from the drop down menu if you are registering your child in 5K.
Please keep in mind that "Parent 1" is assumed to be the primary communication conduit.
Suggestions of use for the "Comments" section include, but are not limited to:
Click here for online payment
PLEASE NOTE - You are NOT required to use the online payment option when you register online. It is an added convenience that the parish has made available to you! As always, you may drop off or mail in a check and/or use SCRIP credit.